
Africa Forum Regulatory Roundtable #2: Data Sandboxes and AI

Datasphere Initiative
January 24, 2024

As part of the Africa Forum on Sandboxes for Data, the Datasphere Initiative is hosting a series of Regulatory Roundtables to leverage the collective expertise of the vast community of African policymakers and regulators toward data governance solutions. 

The first regulatory roundtable, organized on November 27, 2023, provided an introduction to sandboxes for data, its benefits and uses, and regulatory challenges they can address. Speakers and participants shared learnings of implementing sandboxes for data in different sectors and regions. 

Following up on the first roundtable, the second regulatory roundtable took place on January 24, 2024, and delved into sandboxes and Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation.

In this session, participants exchanged the emerging challenges of AI and shared perspectives on questions regulators face regarding regulating AI applications. AI experts within the Datasphere Initiative’s global network shared their work and presented ways in which sandboxes could help address some common regulatory questions. 

Video and photos of the event:


Maxwell Ababio

Deputy Director, Data Protection Commission Ghana

Rachel Adams

Project Lead & Principle Investigator, Global Index on Responsible AI

Justin Bryant (Moderator)

Lead, Global Sandboxes for Data, Datasphere Initiative

Giovana Carneiro (Moderator)

Datasphere Initiative

Armando Guio-Español

Fellow, Berkman Klein Center

Leonida Mutuku

Board Director and AI Research Lead, Local Development Research Institute (LDRI)

Ernest Mwebaze

Executive Director, Sunbird AI

Nanjira Sambuli

Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Miriam Wimmer

Director, Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD)

Bobina Zulfa

Data and Digital Rights Researcher, Pollicy

Future events

Africa Sandboxes for AI Co-Creation Lab

Westerwelle Startup Haus, Kigali, Rwanda

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