
Fora da Caixa: Experiências de Sandboxes Nacionais e Internacionais

Datasphere Initiative
February 21, 2024
Hybrid (Banco do Brasil, Brasilia)

The event “Outside the Box: Experiences from National and International Sandboxes” by the Datasphere Initiative, a global think tank with a mission to foster responsible agility in data governance, brought together experts from different sectors to discuss the role of sandboxes in Brazil. The event addressed topics such as:


  • What are regulatory sandboxes?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of sandboxes?
  • How can sandboxes be used to promote responsible innovation?
  • What is the role of sandboxes in emerging issues?
  • How can sandboxes be used to promote international cooperation?


Regulatory sandboxes are an innovative mechanism that allows public and private actors to experiment with their technologies, products, and services in a controlled environment under regulatory supervision. They have the potential to promote responsible and agile innovation, especially in emerging areas such as fintech, artificial intelligence, and data governance. 

The event provided an opportunity to map Brazilian sandbox experiences, brought experts to discuss good practices, design and implementation challenges, and addressed the relevance of this methodology in the areas of fintech, artificial intelligence, and data governance. Participants were invited to reflect on how sandboxes can be used to promote regulatory agility and responsible innovation and their potential for new international cooperation arrangements for challenges that cross national borders.


Sandboxes, as collaborative experimental, regulatory, or operational environments, that test technologies, business models, and regulatory frameworks themselves (including those for data governance), could be the key to realizing a new model of international cooperation.

Over the past decade, sandboxes have been implemented by regulators, especially in the fintech space, and have become an increasingly important testing tool for identifying and addressing challenges associated with the technology. Sandboxes can unlock innovative possibilities and catalyze learning for diverse stakeholders – the public sector, the private sector, and civil society. However, its potential as a method of cross-border cooperation is still underexplored.

Following the publication of the “Sandboxes for Data” report in 2022, we led the implementation of the “Africa Forum on Sandboxes for Data” and the incubation of the “Global Sandboxes Forum”, which aim to promote spaces for dialogue on best practices and challenges for implementing sandboxes. At the event in Brasília, we gave visibility to Brazilian sandbox experiences and reflected on the potential of the sandbox to promote regulatory agility and international cooperation. We also promoted debates on data governance, including data sharing, data protection, and Artificial Intelligence.


Important notice: 

  • For information in Portuguese, please access this site.
  • You can request a certificate of participation in the event by contacting: [email protected]
  • For more information, read the blog with the key highlights.


Supported by: 

Video and photos of the event:


Estela Aranha

Secretary for Digital Rights, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Government of Brazil

Laryssa Almeida

Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Campina Grande

Marcelo Almeida

Director of Government and Institutional Relations, ABES

Carlos Baigorri

Chairman and CEO, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel)

Daniel Canhete

Deputy Head of the Department of Competition and Financial Market Structure (Decem), Central Bank of Brazil

Yasodara Cordova

Principal Privacy Researcher, unico IDtech

Ronald da Silva Balbe

Federal Secretary for Internal Control, Controladoria Geral da União (CGU)

Tiago Faierstein

Smart Cities Consultant

Ricardo Fernandes

General Coordinator of the Center for Regulation and Applied Innovation, CRIA, CVM/FinanceLab

Sérgio Garcia Alves

Partner, Abdala Advogados

Armando Guio-Español

Executive Director, Network of Centers/ Harvard University

Michael Hennessey

Specialist in the Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation Division, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Brazil

Marcio Iório

Professor, Universidade de Brasília

Gabriel Laender

Partner, Laenderlaw

Sabrina Maciel

Director of the Regulatory Policy Department (Dereg), Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC)

Gustavo Machado de Freitas

Technical Manager of Regulatory Quality, Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)

Maria Marinho

Law Professor, Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Bruno Monteiro Portela

Federal Attorney, Federal Attorney General's Office (AGU)

Felipe Moraes

Economic Regulation Manager, National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL)

Philippe Moura

Vice President, Brazilian Association of Artificial Intelligence (ABRIA)

Nilo Pasquali

Superintendent of Planning and Regulation, Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)

Christian Perrone

Head Rights and Technology and GovTech Teams, Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade (ITS Rio)

Guilherme Pinheiro

IDP Master's Professor

Lorrayne Porciuncula

Executive Director, Datasphere Initiative

Carina Quirino

Undersecretary for Regulation and Business Environment at the Municipal Secretariat for Urban and Economic Development of Rio de Janeiro.

Arby Rech

TCU Minister's Advisor

Flávio Roman

Deputy Federal Attorney General, Federal Attorney General's Office (AGU)

Vanessa Silva

Head of the Regulatory Sandbox project of the Regulatory Agenda of the National Transport Agency, ANTT

Eduardo Tadeu Pereira

Executive Director, Associação Brasileira de Municípios (ABM)

Vânia Vieira

Executive Secretary, Office of the Comptroller General (CGU)

Carolina von der Weid

Head of Trade in Services and E-commerce Division, Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil

Miriam Wimmer

Director, Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD)

Future events

COP 16 – Data, Jaguars and Artificial Intelligence: A Workshop for Youth

Cali, Colombia

Enap Innovation week

Brasília, Brazil (online)

IGF 2024: Unlocking sandboxes for people and the planet

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Hybrid

IGF 2024: Harmonizing approaches for data free flow with trust

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Hybrid

IGF 2024: Harnessing Youth Voices to Transform the Data Economy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Hybrid

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