
Digital Dialogues: Thinking Together about the G20 Digital Agenda

Datasphere Initiative, FGV DIRETO RIO, Cetic.br | Nic.br
February 20, 2024
Hybrid (Enap, Brasilia)

The “Digital Dialogues: Thinking Together about the G20 Digital Agenda” event took place on February 20, 2024, in Brasilia at ENAP (Sala Nexus) from 9.30am to 5.30pm BRT. This event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders involved in research and policy agendas to share insights and nurture the debate on digital economy matters in the context of the Brazilian presidency.

This event draws upon the experiences of India’s G20 presidency in both process and substance and anticipates the contours of South Africa’s upcoming leadership. Leveraging the weight of the troika of the largest democracies and major economies in the Global South promoted coherence in the approach to digital issues and helped ensure no one is left behind in the digital transformation of economies and societies. Through structured panels and discussion sessions, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of digital economy challenges and contributed to shaping a coherent and ambitious digital agenda for all.

This event was open to government officials, academics, researchers, businesses, and advocates for digital inclusion, facilitating collective efforts to influence the direction of global digital governance and policy. It offers an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to the G20 digital agenda collaboratively, align it with the interests and objectives of the Global South, and engage closely with the policymakers shaping the Brazilian G20 presidency.


versão em português

O evento “Digital Dialogues: Thinking Together about the G20 Digital Agenda” foi realizado no dia 20 de fevereiro de 2024, em Brasília, na ENAP (Sala Nexus), das 9h30 às 17h30 BRT. Esse evento reuniu um grupo diversificado de partes interessadas envolvidas em agendas de pesquisa e políticas para compartilhar percepções e fomentar o debate sobre questões de economia digital no contexto da presidência brasileira.

Este evento baseia-se nas experiências da presidência do G20 da Índia, tanto em termos de processo quanto de conteúdo, e antecipa os contornos da futura liderança da África do Sul. Aproveitar o peso da troika das maiores democracias e das principais economias do Sul Global promoveu a coerência na abordagem das questões digitais e ajudou a garantir que ninguém seja deixado para trás na transformação digital das economias e sociedades. Por meio de painéis estruturados e sessões de discussão, os participantes obtiveram uma compreensão abrangente dos desafios da economia digital e contribuíram para a formação de uma agenda digital coerente e ambiciosa para todos.

Este evento foi aberto a autoridades governamentais, acadêmicos, pesquisadores, empresas e defensores da inclusão digital, facilitando os esforços coletivos para influenciar a direção da política e da governança digital global. Ele oferece uma oportunidade para as partes interessadas contribuírem para a agenda digital do G20 de forma colaborativa, alinhando-a com os interesses e objetivos do Sul Global, e se envolverem de perto com os formuladores de políticas que estão moldando a presidência brasileira do G20.

Video and photos of the event:


Camila Achutti

CEO, Mastertech

Adeboye Adegoke

Senior Manager of Grants and Programs Strategy, Paradigm Initiative

Veridiana Alimonte

Associate Director for Latin American Policy, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Guilherme Almeida

Program Director, Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação em Serviços Públicos Brasil

Virgílio Almeida

Professor Emeritus, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Oguz Alyanak

Postdoctoral Researcher, Fairwork Project

Alexandre Barbosa

Head, CETIC.br

Luca Belli

Professor, Center for Technology and Society, FGV Direito Rio

João Brant

Digital Policy Secretary, Secom

Guilherme Canela

Chief of Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Section Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO

Daniel Cavalcanti

Coordinator, Ministério das Comunicações

Artur Coimbra

Commissioner, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel)

Bertrand de La Chapelle

Chief Vision Officer, Datasphere Initiative

Eliana Emediato

Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Digital Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

Nathalia Foditsch

Director of International Programs, Connected Humanity

Francisco Gaetani

Extraordinary Secretary for State Transformation, Ministério da Gestão e Inovação em Serviços Públicos (MGI)

Alison Gillwald

Executive Director, Research ICT Africa

Camila Gomide

Technology and Data Product Manager, Red Dot Foundation

Anita Gurumurthy

Founding member and Executive Director, IT for Change

Emanuella Halfeld

Government Relations Analyst, Alana Institute

Martin Hullin

Director, Digitalization and the Common Good, Bertelsmann Foundation

Stephanie Ifayemi

Head of Policy, Partnership on AI

Astha Kapoor

Co-Founder and Director, Aapti Institute

Caroline Khene

Lead, Digital and Technology Cluster, Institute of Development Studies

Camila Leite

Coordinator of the Telecommunications and Digital Rights Program, Idec - Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor

Betânia Lemos

President, Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Almir Lima Nascimento

Director of the International Relations Research Institute, Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG)

Fernanda Martins

Director, InternetLab

Luciano Mazza de Andrade

Director of the Department of Science, Technology, Innovation and Intellectual Property, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brazil

Marina Meira

G20 digital policy advisor, Consumers International

Philipe Moura

Vice President, Associação Brasileira de Inteligência Artificial (ABRIA)

Anit Mukherjee

Senior Fellow, Observer Research Foundation America

José Renato Laranjeira de Pereira

Co-Founder, LAPIN

David Passarelli

Director, Centre for Policy Research, United Nations University - Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR)

María Paz Canales

Head of Legal, Policy and Research, Global Partners Digital

Cibele Perillo

Leader of the Artificial Intelligence working group, Associação Brasileiras das Empresas de Software (ABES)

Jaqueline Pigatto

Area Coordinator: Governance and Regulation, Data Privacy Brazil

Lorrayne Porciuncula

Executive Director, Datasphere Initiative

Alana Rizzo

Head of Government Affairs, YouTube

Luanna Roncaratti

Deputy Secretary for Digital Government, Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services, Brazil

José Gilberto Scandiucci Filho

Chief Advisor, International Affairs Office, Supreme Federal Court (STF)

Luciana Servo

President, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

Michel Souza

Director of Public Policy, Derechos Digitales

Fabro Steibel

Executive Director, Instituto de Tecnologia & Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro (ITS)

Ariene Susui

Journalist and Indigenous Rights Defender

Jameson Voisin

Senior Advisor, Communications & Programs, Digital Public Goods Alliance

Future events

COP 16 – Data, Jaguars and Artificial Intelligence: A Workshop for Youth

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Enap Innovation week

Brasília, Brazil (online)

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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Hybrid

IGF 2024: Harmonizing approaches for data free flow with trust

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Hybrid

IGF 2024: Harnessing Youth Voices to Transform the Data Economy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Hybrid

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