As part of the Africa Forum on Sandboxes for Data, the Datasphere Initiative is hosting a series of Regulatory Roundtables to leverage the collective expertise of the vast community of African policymakers and regulators toward data governance solutions.
The first regulatory roundtable, organized on November 27, 2023, provided an introduction to sandboxes for data, its benefits and uses, and the regulatory challenges they can address. The second regulatory roundtable, organized on January 24, 2024, delved into sandboxes and Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation.
Following up on the series of roundtables, the third regulatory roundtable on “Data Sandboxes, Climate, and Sustainability Challenges in Africa” delved into the potential of sandboxes as a tool for fostering experimentation and innovation in environmental data usage.
Participants discussed the unique challenges and opportunities that Africa faces in the context of climate change and sustainability, and shared insights and best practices on how data-driven solutions can be effectively regulated and implemented to promote environmental health and sustainable development. The event facilitated meaningful dialogue and collaboration, and identified actionable strategies that can support Africa’s journey towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient future.
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