
DCO’s Roundtable Discussion on Digital Economy

Digital Cooperation Organization
October 3, 2022
NH Brussels EU Berlaymont Hotel, Brussels, Belgium

The roundtable discussion “How Cooperation Can Build a More Inclusive Digital Economy” will be hosted by the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO), an intergovernmental organization gathering an ambitious group of like-minded countries to foster digital cooperation and grow the digital economy.

The session will examine the barriers to a more inclusive digital economy and how stronger cooperation can ensure that the digital economy reaches its full, global potential.

Bertrand de La Chapelle, Chief Vision Officer at the Datasphere Initiative will participate in the discussion.

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Souad Boutegrabet

CEO, DesCodeuses

Karim Chouikri

Head of Middle East, EPAM Systems

David Frautschy Heredia

Senior Director for European Government and Regulatory Affairs, Internet Society

Torbjörn Fredriksson

Head E-commerce and Digital Economy, UNCTAD

David Harmon

EU Cybersecurity and Public Affairs Director, Huawei

Bertrand de La Chapelle

Chief Vision Officer, Datasphere Initiative

Michael Majster

Partner, Arthur D. Little

Erik van der Marel

Senior Economist, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)

Jean Pascal Mvondo

Strategic Alliance & Advocacy Lead, UNCDF

Thomas Royberghs

Project Manager-Digital Inclusion, WeTechCare

Melle Tiel Groenestege

Director Policy & Advocacy, Digital Inclusion, GSMA

Marnick Vanlee

Digital Development Program Manager, Close the Gap

Rudi Werner Borrmann

Lead, Open Government Partnership

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