
Data Governance in the Digital Economy online course

September 16, 2022

The Data Governance in the Digital Economy online course organized by the DiploFoundation, helped students grasp the complexity of data governance in a holistic manner by covering the technical, economic, legal, policy, and geopolitical aspects of this topic. Particular emphasis was given to the economic importance of data for development strategies.

The course was designed for diplomats, government officials, and business leaders.

Participants gained an understanding of the main challenges related to data governance in the context of the digital economy. They also acquired the skills to outline the main elements that should be included in data strategies, and learned how to formulate their national positions in negotiations involving data flows.

This course was held from September 2-16,2022.

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Thomas Schneider

Ambassador and Director of International Affairs at the Swiss Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM)

Jovan Kurbalija

Executive Director, Diplo Foundation

Lee Hibbard

Administrator, Bioethics Unit, Council of Europe

Lorrayne Porciuncula

Executive​ Director, Datasphere Initiative

Marília Maciel

Head, Digital Commerce and Internet Policy

Parminder Jeet Singh

Executive Director, IT for Change

Susan Aaronson

Director, Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub

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