
Responsibly unlocking the value of data for all: Moving beyond the battle of narratives

Sciences Po Law School, Datasphere Initiative, Aapti Institute, the Ostrom Workshop
March 17, 2023
10am - 6pm CET
Sciences Po Paris - 1 Saint-Thomas, 75007 Paris

On Friday, March 17, 2023, from 10 am to 6 pm CET, the Sciences Po Law School’s Towards a Digital Rule of Law Initiative and the Datasphere Initiative, with the Aapti Institute and the Ostrom Workshop organized a conference on data governance:  “Responsibly unlocking the value of data for all: Moving beyond the battle of narratives”.

This event was divided into two core blocks. A morning session that addressed and compared the different governmental approaches to data governance, from Europe, the US, Japan, and India, as well as the discussions taking place in international fora, such as the G7, G20, and the OECD.

The afternoon session, in turn, explored innovative efforts by a variety of actors to create operational data-sharing frameworks and some of the practical challenges they are faced within that context. 

A final wrap-up session examined how the international debate could be reframed, to help actors focus on what is actually their common challenge: how to responsibly unlock the value of data for all.

The conference was interactive and provided an opportunity for participants to share their feedback and contributions, in a round table format.

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Angie Raymond

Associate Professor, Indiana University

Beatriz Botero

Assistant Professor of Law, Sciences Po

Bertrand de La Chapelle (Moderator)

Chief Vision Officer, Datasphere Initiative

Carolina Rossini (Moderator)

Director, Partnerships & Research, Datasphere Initiative

Clarisse Girot

Head, Data Governance and Privacy Unit, OECD

Jaco DuToit

Division of Digital Inclusion, Policies and Transformation, Communications and Information sector, UNESCO

Jeremy Bradley

Chief Operating Officer, Zama

Joe Massey

Senior Researcher, Open Data Institute

Julian Tait

Co-founder and CEO, Open Data Manchester

Laura Galindo

Privacy Policy Manager, AI Policy and Governance, Open Loop, Meta

Lorrayne Porciuncula (Moderator)

Executive Director, Datasphere Initiative

Martina Barbero

Policy Manager, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

Rose Payne

Digital Policy Manager, ICC

Sarah Nicole

Policy and Research Associate, McCourt Institute

Suha Mohamed

Senior Partnerships Manager, Aapti Institute

Tim Davies

Research Director, Connected by Data

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