The Datasphere Initiative Fellowship is an interdisciplinary, global, and diverse community of academics and practitioners with a mission to responsibly unlock the value of data for all.
Two senior fellows have joined the Datasphere Initiative 2022-2023 Fellowship to explore the ways complex adaptive systems may be expressed in data governance, and investigate the implications of data bias.

Bernise Ang supports developing countries in bringing clarity to complex policy challenges related to socio-economic issues. Her work involves blending disciplines from anthropology, data science, design, behavioral science, foresight methods, and system dynamics.
During this fellowship, she aims to explore the ways in which the properties of complex adaptive systems may be expressed in data governance, including how to characterize some of the interaction dynamics within such systems.
In addition, Bernise will focus on exploring to which extent polycentric governance may have an application to potential future forms of data governance.
“Data governance is one of the next big frontiers which will be a test not only of our ingenuity, our imagination for what data can make possible in the future, but also our values in navigating the tension between what is optimal and what is just”.

Miriam Wimmer focuses on data protection and fundamental rights, as well as data governance, artificial intelligence, ethics, and law.
As a researcher and policymaker in the field of personal data protection, she is particularly interested in discussing and understanding innovative governance mechanisms that may enable data flows that are inclusive and respectful of human rights.
Miriam emphasizes the need to conduct structured discussions on data governance to enable the testing and development of innovative governance mechanisms that consider fundamental rights and freedoms in our digital society.
In our data-driven society, a key-issue is the need to potentialize the responsible use of data, enabling it to flow domestically and across borders and be used in different public and private contexts, while preserving the fundamental right to privacy.