Video Competition

The Youth4Data Video Competition brought in young people passionate about the digital world, data, technology, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Participants were invited to participate in a global movement by sharing their unique voices through creative short videos.

We showcased youth’s perspectives through structured advocacy in relevant centers of power (e.g. the US Congress, the G7, G20, among others)!

This global competition welcomed submissions from anyone between 13 and 30 years old, who created a video on Instagram/TikTok and answered one of our questions or challenges! 


Our winner was awarded one Meta Quest 2 Virtual Reality headset. For more information, please access the Official Rules for the competition or email us at [email protected]

Questions & Challenges 

1. Data for the SDG's


Are you aware of any existing initiatives to leverage the power of data to advance one or more Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., education, health, gender equality)? Share more about the initiative in a creative video!
Check the SDG's


Do you (or your community) have an innovative idea or project to leverage the power of data to advance one or more Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., education, health, gender equality)? Share more about your idea/project in a creative video!
Check the SDG's

Advanced question

Are you aware of how non-personal data (data that does not contain information that can be used to identify a person) could be used to advance the SDGs?
Check the SDG's

2. Data Literacy and Education


What kind of data or tech skills did you learn or are learning in school? Would you like to learn more?


Have you ever supported data collection in your community (e.g. collecting data via surveys in your neighborhood, about the environment, etc.)? If so, how was your experience?


If you could invent a new technology that would improve your school, university or educational experience, what would it be?

3. Technology use


Take a look at your Screen Time on your phone, tablet or computer. How many hours do you spend online per day? How do you feel about the time you spend on technology?


Try spending 24 hours without technology (not phones, tablets or computers allowed). How did you feel before, during and after the experiment? What did you think of the whole experience?

4. Data privacy


Use the Trace My Shadow tool: are you surprised by how much information about you is “out there” on the Internet? What things (positive or negative) do you think could be done with this data?
Access Trace My Shadow


If somebody had access to your phone, tablet or computer, how much information would they know about you? How would you feel about it?


Let’s do an inter-generational experiment. Ask someone older than you (it can be a parent, a teacher, a mentor) how do they feel about their privacy online and the types of things that make them (or would make them) feel safer online. How does that differ from your own experience? How do you feel about your own online privacy and safety?

5. Mental Health


Are teens and people in general using technology, games or social media to cope with daily stressors? If so, how?


How do you feel about the trending content, filters and influencers that you see online everyday? Do you feel that the content you see online affects your mood and/or your mental health? If so, how?


What can schools, teachers, and parents do to improve mental health online?

6. Digital Welfare


What do you think companies that own social media apps, schools, parents, teachers could do to promote healthier online relationships? For instance, how could they help avoid cyberbullying?


Go to the Data Detox X Youth toolkit and follow the steps on “Misinformation Martial Arts”. Did anything surprise you? How could you inspire your friends and community to burst their “filter bubble”?
Data Detox X Youth toolkit

7. Equity and Participation


How would you like to be involved in discussions about data and new technologies?


There are many communities (e.g., LGBTIQ+ people, migrants and refugees, people with disabilities, elderly people, etc.) that are not correctly represented by data or are left out. How do you feel about this? Are you concerned about potential disparities in how certain communities are represented in data (or not)? What could youth do to promote a more equitable data future?

9. Choose your own topic!

Question / Challenge

Is there a topic related to data you want to talk about? Create a video and tell us more about this topic and your thoughts and ideas about it!

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